For the last 40 years Lions Clubs International and MedicAlert have been working together to give people the protection needed to live life to the full. The MedicAlert Foundation is a registered charity that provides a life-saving identification system for people with hidden medical conditions and allergies.

MedicAlert, founded in America in 1956 by Dr M Collins after his daughter almost died following an allergic reaction to the horse serum used in routine tetanus antitoxin test, was brought to the UK as a special project of the British Isles & Ireland Lions Clubs in the early 1960’s. Today MedicAlert is a non-profit making, registered charity that works independently with the invaluable support of Lions.

Lions support MedicAlert by distributing leaflets and posters to doctor’s surgeries, pharmacies and hospital waiting rooms as well as actively promoting the organisation within the community and where possible provide people on limited income with sponsored membership.


Becoming a member of MedicAlert lets you live life safe in the knowledge that you’ll be protected in an emergency.

As a MedicAlert member, you wear a bracelet or Necklet (known as an Emblem) engraved with a personal identification number, main medical condition(s) and an emergency telephone number.

Each tailor-made Emblem bears the internationally recognised symbol of the medical profession. You are also provided with a personalised wallet card.

In an emergency, medical personnel have immediate access to vital information on the back of the MedicAlert disc. By phoning the emergency number, they can also gain further medical and personal information such as your name and address, doctor’s details, current drug therapy and next of kin. A translation service is available in over 100 languages.

Membership to the service – including a tailor-made Emblem – starts at just £19.95 plus the first year’s membership at £25. As a registered charity, MedicAlert can also provide free or subsidised membership to individuals on a limited income.


It is estimated that 1 in 4 Britons has a long term medical condition controlled by medication and other therapies and millions of people suffer from allergies. People who benefit from the peace of mind and protection of MedicAlert’s potentially life-saving service include:

  • Anyone with a hidden medical condition, such as diabetes, epilepsy or Alzheimer’s.

  • People who have allergies to medication or food. Patients who have had any type of implant.

  • Those taking regular medication.

  • People who would like blood group to be recorded.

  • People who want to record the details of a living will or wish to be an organ donor.

  • Anyone who simply wants someone else to know if they have been involved in an emergency.


To benefit from the peace of mind offered by MedicAlert’s life-saving identification system, join now by calling Freephone  during office hours, Mon-Fri. 9am-5pm.

Joining is quick and easy – the Membership Services team will take your payment and record all your personal details. One of our fully qualified and experienced nurses will then take your medical information.

A catalogue and application form can be obtained by calling Freephone 0800 521420 or by visiting the MedicAlert website.

If you’re interested to learn more, please complete the Contact Form and ask for details.